

Thursday, June 27, 2024

WEST VIRGIBIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Attorney General Morrisey Vows To Protect Second Amendment Against Biden Overreach


West Virginia Attorney General issued the following announcement on Apr. 8.

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey underscored his support for and his fervent defense of the Second Amendment in response to federal gun control measures proposed Thursday by President Biden.

“Defending the second amendment remains one of the most important priorities for the West Virginia Attorney General’s Office,” Attorney General Morrisey said. “I will not allow the far left to run roughshod over our citizens’ gun rights. If President Biden follows through on his proposals, we will be in court very quickly.

“Gun violence and the senseless death attributed to it should pain all Americans, however, the evil acts of a select few should never be a catalyst for stripping the lawful masses of their constitutional rights, especially their right to self-defense and to bear arms,” he added.

The Attorney General expressed concern with the President’s proposal to advance the use of red flag laws, to modify the definition of short-barrel rifles and to add burdensome and unlawful background checks.

Original source can be found here.

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