
Couple sues I&B Flag Cars for employee's negligence that caused car accident


Monday, March 31, 2025

Couple sues I&B Flag Cars for employee's negligence that caused car accident

State Court

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MOUNDSVILLE — A couple is suing I&B Flag Cars for a car accident caused by one of its employees.

Patricia Bowman was also named as a defendant in the suit.

Christopher Beard and Sarah Beard were traveling on U.S. 250 near Cameron on Jun 20, 2020, and were operating a 2002 Ford F350 truck and were pulling their 2018 Grand Design Reflection 37-foot Fifth Wheel Camper with their truck, according to a complaint filed in Marshall Circuit Court. 

Bowman was operating a 2004 Honda Odyssey Van that was owned by I&B and struck the Beards' camper, causing significant damage, according to the suit.

The Beards claim they pulled over to check the damage on the camper while Bowman left the scene and was approximately one-half mile away. Bowman failed a field sobriety test and was arrested. It was later discovered she had many incidents with drugs and drugs were found in the vehicle.

The Beards claim the camper's damage has caused it to be parked and is accumulating storage fees and more damage from being unused because the claims involving the camper have not been resolved.

The Bears are seeking compensatory dmages. They are represented by Joshua D. Miller and Michael A. Kuhn of Toriseva Law.

The case is assigned to Circuit Judge David Hummel.

Marshall Circuit Court case number: 21-C-35


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