
Man blames Cabell-Wayne Association of the Blind for brother's death


Monday, March 3, 2025

Man blames Cabell-Wayne Association of the Blind for brother's death


HUNTINGTON — A man is suing an unknown person and the Cabell-Wayne Association of the Blind for the death of his brother.

Michael Hysell, as administrator of the estate of Robert Earl Benson, claims on June 25, 2019, Benson was a passenger in a transport van owned by CWAB when the unknown person who was driving the van made an abrupt stop at a traffic light, according to a complaint filed in Cabell Circuit Court.

Hysell claims Benson fell to the floor and sustained injuries, which eventually caused his death.

The defendants' negligence caused Benson's injuries and death and the loss of his ability to function as a whole person.

Hysell is seeking compensatory damages. He is represented by Matthew J. Woelfel of Woelfel & Woelfel in Huntington.

The case is assigned to Circuit Judge Paul Farrell.

Cabell Circuit Court case number: 21-C-242

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