
Frank hopes to make intermediate appellate court fair, efficient


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Frank hopes to make intermediate appellate court fair, efficient

State Supreme Court
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CHARLESTON — If chosen, Robert J. Frank, who is one of eight recommended for three seats on the new Intermediate Court of Appeals, said he would do his best to make sure things are fair on the court.

Frank said if chosen he is anxious to get in, roll his sleeves up, and work with the others chosen.

"We can do the best job we can to make sure things are fair, things are consistent and things are efficient," Frank said in an interview with The West Virginia Record.

Robert Frank | provided photo

Gov. Jim Justice is scheduled to announce his selections for the ICA on December 28.

Frank said he believes people need to be heard.

"When I talk to people, their number one complaint with our legal system is that they don't feel heard and they don't feel respected by the legal system," Frank said. "We have to correct that. Faith in our legal system requires that believe in it and are heard by it. I think that the new court, if it's efficient and set up to serve the people of West Virginia, it'll go a long way in restoring the trust people have in our system."

This is actually the third time that the Judicial Vacancy Advisory Commission has sent Frank's name to the governor for recommendation for a position. Twice in the past, the JVAC sent Frank's name for a vacancy on the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals.

"I'm very honored to be considered and to be a part of the process," Frank said. "I think that the three judges that are chosen this time have the possibility of having a profound impact on the court and on this state. Any time you are at the beginning of something you are laying the foundation."

Frank said the judges will lay the foundation of efficiency, work ethic and culture.

"I'm a big believer in service," Frank said. "Being chosen means I would have the opportunity to serve the people of West Virginia in a way that lays the foundation of the court for years to come. The opportunity to be a part of the building of the foundation is incredibly meaningful and being about to serve in that capacity is something that I'm looking forward to if chosen."

Frank has a varied background in law, having practiced nearly all types of law. 

"I'm licensed not only in West Virginia, but also Colorado," Frank said. "I'm licensed in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, I've appeared in intermediate appellate courts in all of those jurisdictions."

Frank said he has gotten to see any courts and how they work or don't work and he hopes to bring that knowledge to the Intermediate Court of Appeals if he is chosen.

Frank's name was submitted for the 4.5-year term that would end on Dec. 31, 2026, along with 23rd Circuit Family Court Judge Deanna Ray Rock and former Kanawha Circuit Judge and current House of Delegates Chief Counsel Dan Greear.

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