
Former employee sues Sunbridge Putnam Health Care for sexual harassment by another employee


Monday, March 10, 2025

Former employee sues Sunbridge Putnam Health Care for sexual harassment by another employee

State Court
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WINFIELD — A Hurricane woman is suing Sunbridge Putnam Health Care alleging sexual harassment by another employee.

Bruce Medley, an employee of Sunbridge, also was named as a defendant in the suit. Sunbridge is doing business as Genesis Health Care Putnam Center.

Heather A. Patton began her employment with the defendant in October 2016 and worked until January 2021, when she went to "per diem" status and remained "per diem" until April 29, 2021, according to a complaint filed in Putnam Circuit Court.

During her employment, she performed her job duties satisfactorily and she claims Medley consistently made sexual and romantic advances toward her and made inappropriate comments toward her, according to the suit.

Patton claims she made it clear that Medley's conduct was unwelcome and other supervisors of the defendants were aware of Medley's conduct but refused to take any action to address it.

The defendants caused a hostile work environment and allowed sexual harassment to occur, which violated the West Virginia Human Rights Act, according to the suit.

Patton claims the defendants' actions caused her a loss of dignity, embarrassment, humiliation, aggravation and emotional distress.

Patton claims the damages she suffered were carried out with actual malice toward her or were a conscious, reckless and/or outrageous indifference to her health, safety and welfare.

"As a result of Defendants' unlawful discriminatory practices, Plaintiff is entitled to the costs of litigation, including attorneys' fees and costs," the complaint states.

Patton claims she has suffered economic damages, as well as non-economic damages, because of Medley's conduct and the other defendants' failure to address the situation, according to the suit.

Patton is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. She is not seeking reinstatement to her previous position. She is represented by Michael P. Addair of Addair Law Office in Hurricane.

Putnam Circuit Court case number: 21-C-173


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