
Couple sues Dollar General for injuries


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Couple sues Dollar General for injuries

State Court

CHARLESTON — A Putnam County couple is suing Dollar General for injuries sustained at one of its stores.

Sonya and Robert Springsteen were on their way to a cookout July 4, 2021, when they stopped at Dollar General. Sonya Springsteen went to grab some folding chairs, according to a complaint filed in Kanawha Circuit Court.

The Springsteens claim when Sonya Springsteen turned to leave, she fell and landed on the floor on her knees and couldn't get up due to the pain. Sonya Springsteen asked the cashier to go out and get her husband so he could help her get up.

"At the time of the fall, there was no caution sign in place until after the fall when the cashier came and placed a caution wet floor sign near the area Mrs. Springsteen had fallen," the complaint states. "Mr. Springsteen noticed water or drops of water near the register area and took pictures."

The Springsteens claim the pain Sonya Springsteen felt was excruciating when she got to her feet and nausea set in. There was almost immediate bruising and swelling of both knees, and the swelling continued to worsen as the days went on.

"Mrs. Springsteen went to CAMC Urgent Care located in Cross Lanes, West Virginia, on July 21, 2021, where she was referred to an orthopedic surgeon at CAMC Teays Valley Orthopedics, to see Dr. David Ede," the complaint states.

Sonya Springsteen suffered injuries and could not oversee the care of their home, grandchildren and lawn care.

The defendant breached its duty by failing to provide Sonya Springsteen with a safe environment free of encumbrances or hazards to cause injury, according to the suit.

The Springsteens claim the defendants were negligent.

The Springsteens are seeking compensatory damages. They are representing themselves.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number: 23-C-568


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