
Woman sues credit agencies for credit reporting mistakes


Monday, March 17, 2025

Woman sues credit agencies for credit reporting mistakes

Federal Court


HUNTINGTON — A woman is suing several credit agencies for failure to fix mistakes in credit reporting.

Equifax Information Services, Trans Union, Experian Information Solutions and Wells Fargo Bank were all named as defendants in the suit.

Christa Blair sought financial stability after her husband's illness, approaching Capital One Auto Finance to refinance her Nissan Murano, according to a complaint filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia.

Blair claims in the process, Capital One mistakenly provided Wells Fargo Dealer Services with details of her husband's Dodge Ram. 

Wells Fargo, without verifying, accepted the payoff amount from Capital One and applied it to the plaintiff's Murano loan, according to the suit.

Blair claims Capital One, realizing the error, informed Wells Fargo, which admitted the mistake in a letter dated Jan. 7, 2022.

Although Wells Fargo returned the funds to Capital One, it reinstated the prior loan balance, falsely claiming the plaintiff had missed two payments during the period it had accepted payments, according to the suit.

Blair claims despite her attempts to rectify the situation and dispute the inaccuracies with credit bureaus, Wells Fargo continued reporting her as delinquent on her credit reports in May and July 2022.

Even after her disputes, Wells Fargo did not remove the false tradelines, causing ongoing damage to the plaintiff's credit, according to the suit.

The plaintiff faced threats of vehicle repossession despite her efforts to resolve the issue, leading to financial distress and unwarranted damage to her credit history.

Blair is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. She is represented by Benjamin M. Sheridan and Jed R. Nolan of Klein & Sheridan in Hurricane.

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia case number: 3:23-cv-00590

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