
Man blames doctor after being paralyzed by unauthorized spinal anethesia


Friday, March 28, 2025

Man blames doctor after being paralyzed by unauthorized spinal anethesia

Federal Court
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CHARLESTON – A couple claims a doctor's unauthorized use of spinal anesthesia led to the husband's permanent paralysis.

Ronald A. and Susan Gardner filed their complaint in federal court against Dr. Edwin B. Boso.

According to the complaint, Boso's unauthorized use of spinal anesthesia during a coronary artery bypass grafting procedure led to Ronald Gardner's permanent paralysis. 

Gardner underwent the surgery at Camden Clark Memorial Hospital on August 23, 2023. He had consented to general anesthesia but alleges Boso administered an intrathecal spinal morphine injection without his consent, according to the complaint. This resulted in an epidural hematoma and subsequent paraplegia.

The Gardners are seeking compensatory damages claiming Boso deviated from standard medical care and failed to consider Gardner's medical history before administering the anesthesia.

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia case number 2:24-cv-00059

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