
News by Anthony Majestro on West Virginia Record


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Anthony Majestro News

Arbitration is bad for West Virginia consumers, workers and businesses

By Anthony Majestro |
The corporate-funded front group West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse wants West Virginians to give up their 7th Amendment right to trial by jury and opt for arbitration instead.

The truth regarding these so-called 'reforms'

By Anthony Majestro |
CHARLESTON – In 2014, corporate special interests funneled millions into West Virginia elections to buy themselves a Legislature to would pass laws that eliminate corporate accountability and increase corporate profits at the expense of West Virginia workers, consumers and small businesses.

Hellhole report hurts West Virginia

By Anthony Majestro |
CHARLESTON – Let’s talk about who and what are damaging West Virginia’s national reputation and ability to market our state as a good place for business — and why.

Record nails it: Good for 'them,' not us

By Anthony Majestro |
CHARLESTON – It’s been a long time since The West Virginia Record really nailed an editorial, but last week it did — although probably not in the way that was intended.

CALA is violating election law

By Anthony Majestro |
CHARLESTON – The 2014 elections are winding down – and for many of us it’s not a minute too soon.

CALA misleads voters, hides its funding

By Anthony Majestro |
CHARLESTON – West Virginia voters are being inundated with mailed political attack ads from the corporate front group, West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse.

THEIR VIEW: CALA spin machine out of control

By Anthony Majestro |
CHARLESTON – Greg Thomas and West Virginia CALA are at it again.