
News by Dr. Bill Bissett on West Virginia Record


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Dr. Bill Bissett News

Growing the economy and protecting environment

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
For the Mountain State to thrive and grow its population, we must be serious about both economic development and environmental protection.

State's environmental activists should not be de facto regulators

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
Our association plans to pursue legislation again in the upcoming West Virginia legislative session to make certain that state regulators have high quality, accurate data to inform regulatory decisions impacting the state’s manufacturers, coal miners and natural gas workers.

Protect West Virginia from the unfair carbon border tax

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
CHARLESTON – A recent survey by the American Energy Alliance shows that likely voters in eight key states want to see elected officials in Washington grow the economy and address inflation rather than focus on climate change.

West Virginia should be split into north and south for U.S. House districts

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
HUNTINGTON – Anyone who cares about West Virginia should pay close attention to our upcoming congressional redistricting, where the Mountain State will go from three members in the U.S. House of Representatives to two.

Miller on Ways and Means is a win for West Virginia businesses

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
Rep. Carol Miller is well positioned as our congresswoman to help us here at home. Through the Ways and Means Committee, West Virginians and their businesses have a much-needed seat at an important table to effect positive change and work to create new opportunities.

AEP does good work that often goes unnoticed

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
While I understand the frustration with higher electricity rates and the recent loss of electricity from the ice storm earlier this year, bashing AEP does little to lower electricity rates, improve service or explain the nature of their responsibility to electrify our communities.

Some state workers work a lot more than eight hours a day

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
Sure, it may be unconventional, but judge the man on what he does, how he helps and the total number of hours he works, not the typical clock punching that often produces mediocre results and fails to serve the public in the modern 24/7 world that we now live in.

Capito still is the right choice for West Virginia

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
I plan to vote for Senator Shelley Moore Capito on November 3 and hope your readers do as well.

Treat COVID-19 as what it is: An unpredictable and unprecedented catastrophe

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
From economic destruction to a necessary detachment from family and friends, it is clear that we are living in unprecedented times that no one could have anticipated, expected or prepared for.