
News by Kent Leonhardt on West Virginia Record


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Kent Leonhardt News

President Biden is right: We must end hunger

By Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – President Joe Biden recently announced his administration’s goal to eliminate hunger and reduce diet-related diseases by 2030. His plan is based around five policy pillars; improve access to food, integrate nutrition and health, empower consumers to make healthy choices, support physical activity and enhance nutrition and food security research.

The case for an Agriculture Business Development Fund

By Kent Leonhardt |
We know we cannot rely on the federal government to tell us what is best for West Virginia. It will take state lawmakers, business leaders and producers to turn our state around.

Agriculture is critical infrastructure in a crisis

By Kent Leonhardt |
Remember, don’t panic, plan accordingly and shop local as much as possible. We can get through this, but it will take all of us plowing the row.

WVDA laboratories vital to West Virginia food system

By Kent Leonhardt |
We clearly have a lot to be proud of when it comes to the WVDA laboratories. Maybe I am biased, as the Commissioner of Agriculture, but without a trusted food system, our citizens’ quality of life would surely suffer.

Leonhardt, department working towards a better agricultural future

By Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – A turn of the calendar calls for revision of individual ideals and new goals to avoid any complacency we may have fallen into over the holidays.

Hemp has a chance to be a budding success in the Mountain State

By Kent Leonhardt |
West Virginia can become a national voice for industrial hemp. This is an opportunity we cannot miss. And, with the help of our producers and government leaders in West Virginia, we won’t.

Congress must support West Virginia farmers, ratify USMCA

By Kent Leonhardt |
We can no longer allow foreign nations to use the American farmer as a trade pawn. The farming community has waited long enough.

Rural economy enhancements required to move West Virginia forward

By Kent Leonhardt |
Our nation’s leaders are looking to modernize existing broadband infrastructure to help foster economic growth, as well as tap into emerging industries and markets. If our state cannot catch up to the rest of the nation, we once again look to be left behind.

West Virginia must STEAM ahead in agriculture's shifting landscape

By Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – Progression is defined as “the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.” As time barrels forward, each institution, industrial sector or culture must adapt to societal needs. Agriculture is no different.

2019 Legislative Session: A victory for Agriculture

By Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – With the 2019 Legislative Session in the books, we now have time to reflect on what our state leaders have accomplished.

West Virginia ahead of the game with industrial hemp

By Kent Leonhardt |
One agricultural initiative that West Virginia has been way ahead on is the development of industrial hemp.

It’s time for the state to invest in agriculture

By Kent Leonhardt |
If you believe agriculture should be part of our effort to diversify our state’s economy, lend us your voice. Tell your elected officials to join our cause. It’s time we invest in agriculture.

2018: A new awareness for West Virginia agriculture

By Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – Freshman college quarterbacks in their first season make a lot of mistakes. But every year after, they continue to hone in on their craft becoming the field commander of their dreams.

Manchin should vote 'yes' to confirming Kavanaugh to U.S. Supreme Court

By Kent Leonhardt |
With his recent nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Kennedy, President Trump is continuing his effort to make good by the American public. Now, it is time for Senator Joe Manchin to keep his promise and put West Virginians first by voting to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court.

Local foods, state parks are a healthy, wealthy combination

By Kent Leonhardt |
Let’s work toward a healthier West Virginia by utilizing the great outdoors to inspire healthier lives

State agencies must be prepared for the worst

By Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – Serving 21 years as an intelligence officer in the United States Marine Corps taught me one thing; always b​​​​​e prepared for the worst.

Agriculture commissioner urges state to embrace STEAM

By Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – Recently, a West Virginia Department of Agriculture employee participated in Career Day at Leading Creek Elementary in Lewis County. Kudos to these teachers for setting forth the importance of introducing their students, at such a young age, to careers that fall under the science, technology, engineering and math initiative called STEM.