
News by Mac Warner on West Virginia Record


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Mac Warner News

In these uncertain times throughout the world, the United States must focus on peace

By Mac Warner |
This Veterans Day, we will once again honor our military veterans, all those living who have raised their right hands and sworn to defend us and our Constitution. They deserve our appreciation and utmost respect; they are the real Peacemakers. We thank God for them.

West Virginia businesses can help fight human trafficking

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – On October 10, the West Virginia Secretary of State's office officially launched West Virginia Businesses Against Trafficking (WVBAT), a statewide coalition of businesses and business owners who will use their storefronts and facilities to raise awareness of the state’s “You Can” campaign against human trafficking.

Warner: Hurricane High is just the latest target of America's cancel culture

By Mac Warner |
You can’t cancel history and we must defend all who fight for and protect our freedoms from the target of cancel culture. While they are busy burning down America, we will continue to defend her at all costs.

West Virginia to lead the nation with 50-state solutions for election security

By Mac Warner |
Thanks to technology and the uniform efforts of all 55 county clerks, confidence in our elections has never been higher.

County officials preparing for May 10 primary election

By Mac Warner |
West Virginia's 2020 election turnout rate was the second-highest in state history. An independent study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology placed voters’ confidence in West Virginia's election results in the top 10 nationwide.

Confidence in U.S. government begins with confidence in our election process

By Mac Warner |
Through voter engagement and following the rule of law, West Virginia voters can have confidence in the election process and confidence in our elected leaders. As President Lincoln once said, it is “their decision."

2020 was a year for the record books in West Virginia

By Mac Warner |
CHARLETON – While 2020 will be remembered for its challenges, my office will always recall this year with pride in our accomplishments.

The unsung heroes of free, fair and successful elections

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – As West Virginians reflect on the 2020 elections and look forward to a season of gratitude, we should be especially thankful to those who helped lead our state through another free and fair election.

On this Independence Day, let's protect our troops’ right to vote

By Mac Warner |
This Independence Day let’s free ourselves from a system that lets less than one in five of our military have their votes counted. It is time to use technological advances to allow U.S. Armed Forces to fully participate in the political process they fight to defend.

Automated voter registration will be implemented responsibly to avoid disenfranchising voters

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – Multiagency coordination is under way between lawmakers, Department of Motor Vehicles, Secretary of State, county clerks and the governor to provide West Virginia new systems to implement “opt-out” Automated Voter Registration. The process is technical, and needs to be done properly to protect against voter disenfranchisement that has occurred during implementation in other states due to old systems, gaps in technology and human error.

Accurate voter registration lists are first step in election integrity

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – There is much concern over election integrity as we approach the 2020 election. However, West Virginians can rest assured that as our state's top election official, I have been working diligently with county clerks and other officials throughout the state to secure our elections, and to ensure an accurate vote count on election night.

Russians didn't change a single vote in any American election

By Mac Warner |
W.Va. Secretary of State encourages county, city governments to remain vigilant

Campaign finance legislation provides greater transparency

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – Transparency is the key component of good campaign finance policy. As we progress through the 21st Century, easily accessible and complete information is not only possible, it’s absolutely necessary for citizens to stay informed on how government is spending tax dollars, conducting business and passing laws.

Preserving the integrity of West Virginia's election system

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – Recently, Texas media reported that approximately 58,000 non-U.S. citizens may have voted in Texas elections. While Texas Secretary of State David Whitley took proactive steps to ensure the integrity of Texas’s elections, reports like this reinforce the overwhelming need to remain vigilant in protecting our elections.

One Stop Business Center celebrating one year anniversary with open house

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – “Moving at the Speed of Business” is the motto of the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Business and Licensing Division. Advances in technology and a new user-friendly website have given our office the opportunity to communicate more effectively and respond quicker to the needs of the state’s business community and entrepreneurs.

General election a huge success for West Virginia

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – I am very pleased to report that West Virginia hosted a very successful November General Election.vHere are a few of the highlights from my perspective as the state’s chief elections officer.

County clerks are the chief elections officials for their counties

By Mac Warner |
Our county clerks lead the front-line efforts to provide secure and fair elections. Beyond the substantial duties and tasks undertaken by clerks during an election cycle, they are responsible throughout the year for voter registration, local campaign finance law compliance and maintaining an accurate and updated list of registered voters in their counties.

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Ohio, West Virginia voter registration process

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court handed a victory to West Virginia’s efforts to run fair and clean elections. This victory goes to our 55 county clerks and our dedicated elections staff who work day in and day out to ensure the integrity of our voter registration system.

West Virginia leading on national stage in election security

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – Imagine a geo-strategic judo match. All the power, strength, momentum, and confidence we have happens to be confronted by a failing, weak, corrupt regime. How does the weaker challenge the stronger? Use the mightier’s strengths against him. It’s classic judo. We are up against a corrupt Russia, but it’s led by a black belt, martial arts expert. This is precisely what Putin and the Russians are doing to the U.S. Allow me to explain.

Success and accomplishment in Year One

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – On January 16, 2017, I was honored to take the oath of office as the 30th Secretary of State of West Virginia. Through my first year, we worked to improve customer services and operational efficiencies in every Division. The good news is we did it – and we will continue to do it every day I’m in office.