

Thursday, April 25, 2024

BrickStreet Mutual to convert to NICS

BrickStreet Mutual Insurance Company, now one month old, is in the process of converting its employer classification system to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) system. The system that was based on 94 industrial classes will increase to 434 NCCI classes.

NCCI is used by more than three dozen other states, and will bring the state more in line with West Virginia's economic development competitors, according to BrickStreet Mutual President Gregory A. Burton.

NCCI will become the rating and statistical agent for West
Virginia, he said. The state already has adopted NCCI policy and information forms, and will implement NCCI class codes on July 1.

The conversion may allow for multiple classifications within
a single business, and may also allow for standard exceptions of
clerical staff, salespersons and drivers within certain classes.

The West Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, which shut down Dec. 31, was replaced by BrickStreet, a private company that covers West Virginia employers.

While the transition process has been challenging, Wessels says compliance levels are high and the transition has gone smoothly.

"We've taken advantage of every communication opportunity available to us," he said.

"Since the bill was signed we have had 157 speaking engagements," Wessels said. "We've gone to Rotaries, Chambers, trade associations, anyone who's asked."

Wessels said BrickStreet will continue to get its message out.

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