
Woman blames street festival for injuries


Monday, March 31, 2025

Woman blames street festival for injuries

MARTINSBURG -- A woman has filed suit against a street festival after she allegedly was injured when she tripped over wiring in the middle of a street.

Patricia A. Johnson claims she fell over wiring on June 28 that Shepherdstown Street Fest had placed on German Street.

"The wiring in said area was in the nature of a hidden danger, trap, snare, pitfall or the like," the complaint states. "The wiring was neither known nor obvious to the Plaintiff."

Because of the fall, Johnson claims she sustained bodily, body chemistry and psyche injuries, which she claims are permanent.

She also claims she has and will continue to suffer great pain of body and mind and to incur medical expenses.

Johnson claims Shepherdstown Street Fest had the duties to exercise reasonable care to keep the premises in a safe condition, to inspect the premises to ensure they were in a safe condition, to warn Johnson of a defect on the premises and to correct or repair the defect on the premises.

Johnson is seeking a judgment in an amount sufficient to compensate her for the injuries she sustained, pre-judgment interest on all items of ascertainable pecuniary loss to the date of the trial, court costs, post-judgment interest and attorney fees.

She is represented by Terrance L. Britt and Bradley J. Reed of Britt-Reed Law Offices in Martinsburg.

Jefferson Circuit Court case number: 08-C-341


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