
PERSONNEL FILE: Dinsmore & Shohl Litigation Dept. honored in Benchmark Litigation


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PERSONNEL FILE: Dinsmore & Shohl Litigation Dept. honored in Benchmark Litigation





CHARLESTON -– Dinsmore & Shohl's litigation practice recently earned high marks in the 2009 edition of Benchmark Litigation, the definitive guide to America's leading business litigation firms and attorneys.

The survey highly ranked Dinsmore & Shohl's litigation practice in both West Virginia and Kentucky and singled out the following individual attorneys for praise and recognition:

West Virginia Rankings

* Dinsmore & Shohl is ranked as a "Highly Recommended" firm in West Virginia

* Local Litigation Star: Henry Jernigan

* Future Stars: Jason Long, Ramonda Lyons, and Ashley Pack

Kentucky Rankings

* Dinsmore & Shohl is ranked as a "Recommended" firm in Kentucky

* Local Litigation Stars: Barbara Edelman and Jon Fleischaker

* Future Stars: Mindy Barfield and Kenyon Meyer

Benchmark focuses on the U.S. litigation market, with a research team conducting face-to-face interviews around the country with leading legal professionals, in-house counsel and business owners.

For more information about Dinsmore & Shohl's rankings, go to the West Virginia or Kentucky section of the publication at www.benchmarklitigation.com.

Dinsmore & Shohl is marking its 100th anniversary in 2008, celebrating a legacy of client service forged by founding partners Frank Dinsmore and Judge Walter Shohl. The firm is one of the largest full-service law firms in the Midwest and provides a broad range of integrated services to meet the needs of both large and small businesses, as well as institutions, associations, governments, professional firms and individuals. Dinsmore & Shohl is comprised of more than 400 attorneys practicing in nine offices throughout Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.


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