
PERSONNEL FILE: Huddleston Bolen partner named to FDCC


Friday, March 14, 2025

PERSONNEL FILE: Huddleston Bolen partner named to FDCC


HUNTINGTON -- Robert L. Massie, a partner with Huddleston Bolen, has been selected for membership in The Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel (FDCC).

The FDCC is an invitation-only, international organization of lawyers and corporate counsel involved in tort and commercial litigation. It is composed of recognized leaders in the legal community who have achieved professional distinction. The group is dedicated to promoting knowledge, fellowship, and professionalism of its members as they pursue the course of a balanced justice system and represent those in need of defense in civil lawsuits.

"The FDCC offers the rare opportunity to interact with other defense attorneys, corporate counsel, and risk managers from around the world, and share our experience and expertise. I am honored to be elected to represent Huddleston Bolen and our clients in such a well-respected and selective group, and look forward to making a positive impact," Massie said. "I also am excited to take an active role in the FDCC's fundamental goal of promoting a level playing field within the judicial system."

Membership in the FDCC is highly selective and limited to 1,000 lawyers in the United States. Before being selected by the Board of Directors, each nominee is carefully reviewed by an independent Admissions Committee charged with insuring that those selected have distinguished themselves professionally and are of excellent moral character. To further enhance the organization and its benefits to members, the FDCC seeks nominees from diverse backgrounds and assorted geographic regions.

Massie has been a partner with Huddleston Bolen for over 10 years, and has over 17 years experience handling the most complex litigation in West Virginia. He has tried cases throughout West Virginia in both state and federal courts, and has been retained by several corporate clients to handle significant litigation in Kentucky, Ohio, and Texas. He primarily practices in the areas of toxic tort litigation, railroad litigation, transportation and trucking law, insurance defense, bad faith litigation and products liability. He has also handled appeals before the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia and the United States Supreme Court.

A native of West Virginia, Massie graduated from Marshall University in 1987 magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice, and received his law degree in 1991 from the West Virginia University College of Law. He was President of the Defense Trial Counsel of West Virginia in 2007-2008 and is currently the editor of that organization's newsletter. He is an active member of DRI and DRI's Judicial Task Force. He currently serves in the West Virginia Bar Association's Committee for Judicial Reform, and is a member of the National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel and the Cabell County Bar Association.

Huddleston Bolen LLP is a law firm with more than 50 attorneys practicing in offices located in Huntington and Charleston in West Virginia and Ashland and Louisville in Kentucky. The firm, founded in 1871, represents clients in many practice groups, including litigation, labor and employment, transportation, appellate, natural resources, health care, real estate, and banking and finance.

For more information about Huddleston Bolen, visit the firm's Web site at www.huddlestonbolen.com.

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