
'The Law Works:' Law enforcement extends to firefighters


Friday, March 14, 2025

'The Law Works:' Law enforcement extends to firefighters


CHARLESTON -- Firefighters also have police powers and even conduct criminal investigations. Some of their duties include interviewing witnesses, seeking warrants and testifying in court.

Find out more on the next show of "The Law Works," Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on West Virginia PBS. This week's guest is Morgantown Fire Department Chief David Fetty.

Fetty has been department chief for 11 years and has served the MFD for 32 years. He is a deputized state fire marshal and has a master's degree in safety management from West Virginia University, a bachelor's degree in safety/environmental engineering technology and an associate's degree in fire science from Fairmont State University.

More information about these and other recent topics from the program is available at "The Law Works" Web site.

"The Law Works" is the state's only weekly television show discussing legal issues that effect the lives of every day citizens.

Host Dan Ringer operates his own law practice in Morgantown. In 1999, Ringer was named West Virginia's first Lawyer Citizen of the Year of the WV Bar Foundation. He served as president of the WV State Bar (1999-2000) and was named the American Bar Association's Practitioner of the Year in 2000.


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