
Black and Decker among defendants in lost hand suit


Monday, March 10, 2025

Black and Decker among defendants in lost hand suit

HUNTINGTON – A mother and her son have filed suit against Black and Decker, Delta Machinery Corporation, Woodworker's Supply and Pentair, alleging defective machinery caused the son's right hand to be cut off.

Donna and Alec Richards claim Alec Richards was using a WSI 1.5 H.P. single-stage dust collector to clean his father's woodworking shop on Sept. 30, 2007, when he removed a dust intake port cover.

Alec Richard's hand was drawn into the port and ripped off at the wrist, according to the complaint filed March 27 in federal court.

Donna Richards witnessed the scene and has since suffered serious emotional distress, causing her to seek counseling and preventing her from fully enjoying life, she says.

Because of the incident, Alec says he permanently lost his right hand, experienced physical pain, suffering, permanent disfigurement and emotional pain and lost income. He also experienced an impaired earning capacity and permanent disability, incurred medical expenses and lost his enjoyment for life.

Alec Richards' father, Alphonso Richards had purchased the machine on Nov. 1, 2001, from Woodworker's Supply, the suit states.

The Richards claim the product had been designed by Delta and Pentair. Black and Decker bought Delta from Pentair in 2005.

The Richards are seeking an unspecified judgment, plus interest, costs and other damages the court deems just.

They are represented by Frank Venezia and Jamie Little of Shaffer and Shaffer in Madison.

U.S. District Court case number: 3:09-0309


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