
Spike makes Palin's 'Take Back the 20' list


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Spike makes Palin's 'Take Back the 20' list


WILLIAMSON -- Sarah Palin recently launched a new website www.takebackthe20.com that targets 20 Democrats over their support of Obamacare: 34-year incumbent Nick Rahall was one of the 20 Democrats on the list.

"It's been six months since President Obama signed his health care bill into law," Palin said on the site. "Despite overwhelming public dislike of Obamacare, we were told that Washington knows best and there was nothing to worry about. Nancy Pelosi said Congress had to pass the bill so that Americans could 'find out what is in it.' We found out that it's even worse than we feared.

"Join me in standing against those who stood with Obama and Pelosi in voting for this disastrous bill. The Democrats from 20 districts we carried in 2008 voted for Obamacare. Now we can vote against them.

"Let's replace them with good conservatives who will vote to repeal and replace Obamacare with patient-centered, results-driven, free market reform that provides solutions to people of all income levels without bankrupting our country.

"Let's reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people."

Maynard responded.

"We are excited and grateful to have the support of Sarah Palin in our campaign against Rahall," he said. "His support of Obamacare and his commitment to the Obama and Pelsoi team are two of the top reasons we started this campaign to begin with.

"Our campaign continues to gain momentum because the voters in West Virginia's Third Congressional District do not want to be represented by anyone on the Obama/Rahall/Pelosi team."

Maynard is the Republican running in the 3rd Congressional District of West Virginia. He is a former West Virginia State Supreme Court Justice and trial judge from Mingo County. Maynard is an Air Force veteran, where he served in reconnaissance during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Following his honorable discharge, Maynard was the Managing Director of the Tug Valley Chamber of Commerce and practiced law.

In 1976, Maynard was elected as a Prosecuting Attorney for Mingo County. He was appointed by Governor Rockefeller to the 30th Judicial Circuit and was twice elected to that circuit. His legal experience saw him elected to the Supreme Court of Appeals, where he served as Chief Justice in 2000, 2004 and 2008.


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