
Rahall, Maynard campaigns spar over windmill ad


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Rahall, Maynard campaigns spar over windmill ad



HUNTINGTON –- Attorneys for U.S. Rep. Nick Rahall's election campaign want television stations to stop airing an ad from Republican challenger Spike Maynard's campaign.

The commercial in questions says Rahall's vote for the 2009 Obama administration stimulus package helped create jobs making windmills in China.

"It's on our jeans, even our children's toys: 'Made in China,'" the voiceover says. "As part of the Obama Pelosi team, Rahall voted for a bill that led to billions in tax breaks for foreign companies creating Chinese jobs.

"Rahall's vote helped foreign companies create Chinese jobs making windmills. With skyrocketing unemployment, only a politician who's been in Washington for 34 years would vote to help foreign companies making Chinese windmills."

Here is some of the letter Rahall's campaign attorneys – Charleston lawyers Rudy DiTrapano and Sean McGinley -- sent Wednesday to television stations airing the commercial, according to media reports:

"There was no bill that gave 'billions of dollars in tax breaks to foreign companies to create jobs in China,' and certainly, Congressman Rahall did not and never would vote for such an absurd bill. ... Your station attempts in its news programming to fairly and accurately report on the actions taken by our public representatives. It would be most ironic if your reporters worked hard to hold public officials accountable, while your station simultaneously allowed lies like those in this advertisement to mislead the public. Please pull this false and defamatory ad and do not allow it to be played on the air."

Mik Carpenter, Maynard's campaign manager, disputed Rahall's claims.

"We stand behind the ad, and will not pull it down," he said Thursday morning. "The facts are true."

Watch the commercial here.


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