
Fla. man says he hasn't seen oil well money


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Fla. man says he hasn't seen oil well money

CLARKSBURG -– A Florida man claims he has not been paid for his interest in oil wells on land in Ritchie County.

Clifton G. Valentine filed a lawsuit Nov. 8 in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia against Sugar Rock, Gerald D. Hall and Teresa D. Hall.

Valentine claims he owns interests in four oil and gas mining wells in Ritchie County along with Sugar Rock, which operates the wells.

However, Sugar Rock failed to account for the proceeds and expenses of the Ritchie County wells and failed to pay Valentine for his interest in the wells, according to the complaint.

Valentine claims he owns 3/32, 2/32, 5/32 and 1/32 in the wells and has lost money because of the defendants' failure to pay him.

Valentine names the Halls as defendants because Gerald D. Hall is president of Sugar Rock while Teresa D. Hall is secretary.

In his complaint, Valentine wants the court to order Sugar Rock to produce its records for the past 10 years. He also seeks compensatory damages of more than $100,000 or the amount he is owed for his interest in the wells and punitive damages, plus attorney's fees, costs and other relief the court deems just.

James S. Huggins of Theisen Brock in Marietta, Ohio, will be representing him.

U.S. District Court case number: 1:10-cv-193

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