Aug. 1
Dennis Lee Gobble and DeAnna Gobble vs. J.H. Fletcher & Co. and Maxxim Rebuilding Co. LLC
PA- R. Dean Hartley, Patrick C. Timoney; J- David M. Pancake
* Dennis Gobble was employed by Dickenson-Russell Coal Company. On July 6, 2010, he was operating a machine known as a Roof Bolter manufactured by Fletcher when the machine came down on him while he was in the operator's compartment and crushed his head and body against the machine, he says. The Gobbles are seeking compensatory and punitive damages with pre- and post-judgment interest.
Case number: 13-C-534
Aug. 5
Teresa Fulks vs. Polygon US Corporation
PA- James D. McQueen Jr., Amanda Davis; J- F. Jane Hustead
* On July 27, 2011, there was a small fire at Fulks' home that caused extensive smoke damage to the residence. Polygon was hired by Allstate to remediate the lingering smoke damage. The chemicals used to clean Fulks' residence were not designed or intended for use in residential premises, the suit says. Fulks is seeking compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 13-C-536
Aug. 7
Antoinette T. Van Meter and Michael E. Van Meter, her husband vs. City of Huntington, W.Va.; SMG; SMG Holdings I LLC; SMG Holdings II LLC; SMG Holdings Inc.; SMG Facility Management Corporation of Huntington d/b/a Big Sandy Superstore Arena; and John Does Companies 1 through 10
PA- Robert D. Cline Jr., Robert A. Campbell, R. Chad Duffield, Jennifer D. Roush; J- F. Jane Hustead
* On Sept. 15, 2011, the Van Meters were visiting Big Sandy Superstore Arena to attend a concert. While they were attempting to find their seats, Antoinette Van Meter tripped and fell on a step of the modular seating system, she says. The Van Meters are seeking compensatory and punitive damages with pre- and post-judgment interest.
Case number: 13-C-549
CIVIL FILINGS: Cabell County