
Customer alleges Apple Grove business' negligence caused him to be struck by board


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Customer alleges Apple Grove business' negligence caused him to be struck by board

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POINT PLEASANT — A Mason County man is suing an Apple Grove outdoor equipment service company, alleging failure to warn and negligence.

Dana Lanham filed a complaint April 2 in Mason Circuit Court against Stark's Landscaping LLC, doing business as Bea's Outdoor Power, alleging the defendant failed to provide a safe premises to its invitees.

According to the complaint, on April 4, 2016, Lanham was lawfully at Bea's Outdoor Power, located at 950 Nowlin Drive in Apple Grove, to seek repair of his lawnmower. The suit says Lanham was struck by a board being used in the remodeling of Bea's facility.

Lanham says he sustained personal injuries, resulting in medical expenses, lost wages, annoyance and inconvenience. The plaintiff alleges Bea's Outdoor Power failed to provide a safe ingress and egress to its business environment.

Lanham seeks trial by jury, compensation for his injuries and damages, plus interest, costs and any further relief the court deems just. He is represented by attorney Herbert L. Lively II of Charleston.

Mason Circuit Court case number 18-C-23

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