

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Let’s fight against fraud together

Our View
Law money 02

Eliminating fraud from public assistance programs should be something we can all agree on. 

Our state has its share of cheaters, but surely they’re not in the majority. They are, however, hurting the rest of us, and it’s time that honest, hard-working, tax-paying West Virginians joined together to fight back.

One way is by supporting Attorney General Patrick Morrisey’s participation in the Cooperative Disability Investigations Unit, a partnership with the Social Security Administration that has reaped more than $11 million in total savings in its two years of existence – by investigating and rejecting fraudulent disability claims.

“Such thievery comes at a tremendous cost to the taxpayer,” Morrisey said, “and jeopardizes a critical safety net for those who depend upon Social Security.”

Another way to fight back is by supporting Morrisey’s proposal to transfer West Virginia’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit from our state’s Department of Health and Human Resources, where it currently resides, into the Attorney General’s office. West Virginia is one of only seven states in which Medicaid fraud is not investigated and prosecuted by the AG’s office.

“My office has a proven track record of success in combating disability and consumer fraud,” Morrisey said. “Our office will focus that same energy in combating Medicaid fraud, the result of which can lead to a more competitive tax code and greater economic development to help West Virginia reach her full potential.”

Morrisey said that the unit under Health and Human Services recovers about half of what other states do each year.

“The dollar amounts have been much lower than in other states,” he said. “We’d have a much more aggressive approach than we’ve seen in recent years. I believe we can save many tens of million dollars a year.”

If you agree with Morrisey that Medicaid funds should “go to provide medical care for our low-income residents and families who legitimately need the assistance,” and not to fraudsters, join the fight.


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