
Consumer says defective Rural King heater exploded and damaged his eyes


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Consumer says defective Rural King heater exploded and damaged his eyes

Webp general court 07


CHARLESTON — A consumer is suing a home store and a heater manufacturer, citing alleged breach of express warranty, breach of implied warranty and negligence.

Martin Douglas filed a complaint in Kanawha Circuit Court against Rural King Inc. and Mr. Heater, alleging that they negligently and carelessly designed, manufactured and sold a defective product.

According to the complaint, Douglas alleges that in 2016 he purchased a Mr. Heater brand of a new and unused heater from Rural King. The heater exploded in his face while it was properly installed and used by Douglas. He returned it to Rural King for a full refund on Dec. 29, 2016. A test conducted by Douglas's ophthalmologist concluded that his eyesight was damaged by either a chemical burn or a burn from heat.

 The plaintiff holds Rural King Inc. and Mr. Heater responsible because they allegedly represented the product to provide heat in one's home in a safe and effective manner when properly used.

The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks general damages and special damages in an amount to be determined by the jury, pre-judgment interest according to law, cost of the suit and any further relief the Court deems proper. He is represented by Barbara Harmon-Schamberger in Ivydale.

Kanawha Circuit Court Case number 18C1569


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