
Capito: Addressing America’s PFAS issue can't wait forever

By Chris Dickerson |
If we care about protecting our families from the health and environmental threats of PFAS in our air, water, and soil, we must support a “polluter pays” model and develop real solutions that actually address contamination.

Letter to the Editor: Tarr and his constituents must be proud

By Tim Tomon |
After reading Senator Eric Tarr's hilarious and nonsensical commentary, I wanted to write and point out his obvious need for guidance from someone.

WVU, Gee making right changes to move ahead

By Craig Blair |
What is taking place at WVU right now is not unprecedented. It’s happening across the country as colleges and universities deal with the reality that our workforce is changing, and a four-year degree isn’t what it used to be.

Tarr: West Virginia doesn't need any guidance from the AFT

By Eric J. Tarr |
CHARLESTON – The socialist ideologue institution of the American Federation of Teachers, who has ruined public K-12 education in large part, has found it incumbent upon themselves to issue a statement of guidance for West Virginia University. They insist that West Virginia citizens should reach deeper into their paychecks and subsidize structural deficits within the university.

Write this down: Here's who will be Kanawha's new circuit court judge

By The West Virginia Record |
The state Judicial Vacancy Advisory Commission had 12 people apply for the open circuit court seat left by the retirement of longtime Kanawha Circuit Judge Duke Bloom.

Big U.S. Supreme Court victories for West Virginia and the nation

By Patrick Morrisey |
In these cases, we stood for what is right and just. It’s not often that you go 5-0 at the U.S. Supreme Court in such a short period of time — but we have a good team that fights effectively for West Virginia citizens.

Manchin and Capito: Please stop the government from hurting W.Va. veterans

By John C. Casey |
Unfortunately, in West Virginia, there are few healthcare options for veterans suffering from PTSD – across the entire state, veterans only have access to four VA medical centers.

GOP has backed itself into a Trumpian corner

By Christopher J. Regan |
The 2024 presidential race has numerous GOP candidates, but no real contenders. Republicans have seen time and time again they don’t win with Trump, but they are going to nominate him a third time nonetheless. The other candidates can't beat him.

Manchin’s actions don’t match his rhetoric on energy

By Jason Huffman |
One thing is clear: Senator Manchin is increasingly out of touch with West Virginian’s policy preferences, especially when it comes to energy.

West Virginia to lead the nation with 50-state solutions for election security

By Mac Warner |
Thanks to technology and the uniform efforts of all 55 county clerks, confidence in our elections has never been higher.

Julie Su is the right choice for West Virginia’s businesses and workers

By James F. Humphreys |
​Julie Su is the right choice for Secretary of Labor because she understands the importance of both business and labor, and that is why she has the support of everyone from the United Mine Workers to more than 250 business leaders.

Putting 'West Virginia First': Agreement will help all state residents

By Patrick Morrisey |
We must prevent another generation from falling prey to senseless death. The West Virginia First Foundation will be a major step forward on the path to recovery.

Julie Su is the wrong choice for West Virginia's future

By Bryan J. Hoylman |
What we need now is to double down on attracting new workers to fill the thousands of jobs coming to the Mountain State. What we don’t need are California-style labor policies — the policies that thousands of workers are currently escaping from — being forced on us from the federal level.

Capito: America can and should lead a nuclear energy future

By Shelley Moore Capito |
Let’s take advantage of this momentum now with good, bipartisan policy so we can look back and say today’s efforts positioned America as the undisputed global nuclear energy leader for the 21st century.

Taking the fight for fairness in female sports all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court

By Patrick Morrisey |
It’s really quite simple: Title IX dictates that girls and women get their fair share of opportunities in education, and its regulations make it clear that this could be accomplished in school athletic programs by having “separate teams for members of each sex” where the teams are based on competitive skill.

Call fentanyl what it is: a Weapon of Mass Destruction

By Patrick Morrisey |
Enough is enough. Far too many people are dying because of this menace. It is these families’ voices that must be heard, their warnings that we must hear and their calls to action that we must heed.

Mitch McConnell's love letter to Jim Justice

By Christopher Regan |
A​ poll by McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund says Justice is beating everybody in the world for West Virginia’s Senate seat. That include Alex Mooney, Patrick Morrisey and even incumbent Joe Manchin.

Capito: Biden’s “middle class squeeze” is hurting West Virginia

By Shelley Moore Capito |
In reality, families in West Virginia and across our nation continue to struggle because the policies and priorities of the Biden administration have made essential items and goods unaffordable. Whether it be gas, goods and services, energy prices, utility costs, small business expenses, home mortgages, or simply the ability to put food on the table, American families are squeezed at every turn.

Sadly, we can't underestimate traitor Evans' run for Congress

By Christopher J. Regan |
Folks are being too tough on Derrick Evans if they say he shouldn’t run. We the People have made it clear: we're saying there's a chance. Maybe January 6th, 2021, really was a "test run."

Morrisey sings praises of work his office did in 2022

By Patrick Morrisey |
CHARLESTON — The AG’s office is entering 2023 with such momentum from a record-breaking 2022 that saw us keep up a vigorous fight on several fronts, seek to beat back energy policies that could destroy jobs, continue to combat opioid abuse and win historic victories in landmark court cases.