
News by Ann Knef on West Virginia Record


Sunday, March 30, 2025

Ann Knef News

Allstate fights publication of trial lawyer's book

By Ann Knef |
David Berardinelli An age-old battle between insurers and the plaintiff's bar over "one of the biggest treasure troves of cash ever created," has reached another epic moment.

Society at risk in litigation culture, says author

By Ann Knef |
Philip K. Howard If the American public doesn't get a better understanding of the corrosive effects of living in a lawsuit culture, the very functioning of society will be at risk.

Greed may be catching up to asbestos 'prepack' bankruptcy players

By Ann Knef |
For decades asbestos and silicosis litigation has clogged the nation's courts, bankrupted American companies and lined the pockets of plaintiff's attorneys.

Calhoun County native featured in Washington Post

By Ann Knef |
Jed Purdy Calhoun County native Jed Purdy, elevated to national fame after authoring a book in his second year of law school, is the subject of a Washington Post feature article April 13.

Mollohan's woes could be 'bonanza' for state GOP

By Ann Knef |
Alan Mollohan Directing his attention toward West Virginia, political commentator Robert Novak suggests that Democratic Congressman Alan Mollohan's own ethical problems could hurt his party's chances of using the scorcher against Republicans.

WSJ reports controversy in former MU student's conviction

By Ann Knef |
The baby formula stealing conviction of a former Marshall University student is a dramatic example of the ease with which law enforcement officials can gather foreign intelligence to investigate domestic crimes.

Supreme Court closes gaps for kids in abuse and neglect proceedings

By Ann Knef |
As it observes "The Year of the Child," the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals has closed gaps in services for children with cases before the Family Courts and Circuit Circuits.

Tort costs eating away more personal wealth

By Ann Knef |
Lisa Rickard House payment? Groceries? Investment? What would the average person do with an extra $997?

'Lawyered up' docs only buying time, says CALA

By Ann Knef |
"Lawyered up and hunkered down" is how the Wall Street Journal described Harrisburg radiologist Ray Harron when he and two other asbestos and silicosis diagnosing doctors took the 5th Amendment before a congressional committee last week.

Harron and son take the 5th in congressional hearing

By Ann Knef |
Dr. Ray Harron After a medical expert and law professor tore apart the validity of national asbestos and silicosis litigation before a congressional committee Wednesday, doctors responsible for diagnosing nearly 10,000 disputed claims chose to remain silent.

Survey says West Virginia juries reflect state's population

By Ann Knef |
CHARLESTON - A survey of West Virginian jurors shows that the people who routinely render crucial courtroom decisions, as a whole closely reflect the state's demographics.

Couple files med mal suit against CAMC and doctors

By Ann Knef |
CHARLESTON -- Charleston Area Medical Center and four medical specialists are being sued by a Wyoming County woman who claims she was left paraplegic because vital information about her blood clotting disorder was not relayed to her surgeon prior to an aneurysm operation.

Asbestos plaintiff takes aim at 39 companies

By Ann Knef |
CHARLESTON -- A Michigan man and his wife have filed suit against a litany of defendants in Kanawha County, claiming he developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos while working as a laborer and floor tiler in West Virginia.

BrickStreet Mutual to convert to NICS

By Ann Knef |
BrickStreet Mutual Insurance Company, now one month old, is in the process of converting its employer classification system to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) system. The system that was based on 94 industrial classes will increase to 434 NCCI classes.

Herbert Hoover High sued for girl's attack

By Ann Knef |
CHARLESTON -- The mother of a Herbert Hoover High School student is suing the school board and parents of the girl who beat her daughter into unconsciousness last year.

Man who promises to use disability check to pay for car can't be found

By Ann Knef |
CHARLESTON -- A West Virginia man who promised to use his Social Security disability payment to purchase a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro is being sued by the man who claims he was duped.

FDA rule would help bolster drug makers' defense

By Ann Knef |
Warning: Massive pharmaceutical litigation could lead to capital drainage and less investment in the research and development of new life-saving drugs.

Grandpa took car after granddaughter refused sex, suit says

By Ann Knef |
Melinda Westfall is suing her grandfather because he repossessed a vehicle he gave her after she obtained her driver's license.

Davis becomes new chief justice

By Ann Knef |
Chief Justice Robin Jean Davis CHARLESTON - Justice Robin Jean Davis has become the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia.

Asbestos worth the risks, author Maines asserts

By Ann Knef |
While the $140 billion asbestos trust fund bill stalls in congress, the asbestos litigation problem in America grows. Businesses have declared bankruptcy, jobs have been lost, consumer goods cost more and the country is less competitive.