Eliminating the filibuster would plunge the Senate, and thus governance, deeper into the mire of tribal politics. All desire for bipartisanship would be lost. The only motivation for each party would be to secure enough seats in the next election to have a majority.
MORGANTOWN – A Fairmont woman says she was wrongly fired from her Monongalia County 911 call operator job after she investigated filing a grievance against her supervisors.
Between April 2020 and April 2021, drugs – mostly synthetic opioids such as fentanyl – took the lives of more than 100,000 of our sons and daughters, loved ones and neighbors, community members and friends.
MORGANTOWN – A circuit judge has put an end to an ordinance that would allow the creation of a civilian police review board for the City of Morgantown.
MORGANTOWN – A circuit judge is “back at the summary judgment stage” after admitting he didn’t properly consider objections made by attorneys for Morgantown’s firefighters in a holiday pay case.
GRAFTON – A former Taylor County teacher and school administrator says she was a victim of gender discrimination and retaliation by the county school board and the female superintendent.
CLARKSBURG — A woman was suing the West Virginia University Board of Governors claiming that she was discriminated against while working at Potomac State College.
CHARLESTON – The nation’s three largest drug distributors has filed a petition with the state Supreme Court questioning whether the state Mass Litigation Panel exceeded its authority by grouping more than 60 public nuisances opioid claims into one statewide complaint.
MORGANTOWN — A former employee is suing the West Virginia University Board of Governors and West Virginia University Medical Corporation claiming that she was wrongfully terminated.
MORGANTOWN – A circuit judge has issued an order granting a request by Morgantown firefighters to hold an upcoming hearing regarding their claim of lost wages against the city in person rather than remotely.