Organization Directory
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Kalkereuth Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc.
Most recent 06/09/17 - Roofing contractor alleges building owner owes more than $56,000
Kaminski Law Pllc
Professional Services | Law Firms
Most recent 11/03/20 - Woman says improper installation of dishwasher caused mold, medical issues
Kanawha Circuit Court
Law & Courts | State Circuit Courts
Most recent 01/13/25 - ACLU challenges $5M water grant to ‘radically Catholic’ out-of-state school
Kanawha County
Most recent 07/17/24 - Attorney General Morrisey Wins Suit Against Cemetery Monument/Gravestone Seller who Deceived Consumers
Kanawha County Board of Education
Local Government - Elected Boards & Commissions | Public School- Community
Most recent 09/14/23 - Mother blames Kanawha school board for disabled daughter's suicide
Kanawha County Courthouse
Local Government | Municipal Departments
Most recent 06/13/24 - Kanawha County Commission appoints Rusnak as interim prosecuting attorney
Kanawha County Democratic Executive Committee
Political Committees | Committee - Trade/Business
Most recent 09/02/21 - Fourth Circuit overturns earlier ruling, says state ballot placement process is fine
Kanawha County Judicial Building
Law & Courts | State Circuit Courts
Most recent 02/21/22 - Valentine’s Day at W.Va. Courthouses