
This Just In: Jefferson County


Thursday, January 30, 2025

This Just In: Jefferson County

Aug. 21
Christopher Roper vs. Corporation of Shepherdstown
PA-J. Mack Cavendish; J-Thomas Steptoe Jr.
* Roper is petitioning for appeal from decision and order of the police department hearing board of Shepherdstown. The decision of dismissal of Roper to the police department was upheld on June 9, 2006. Status hearing set from 9 a.m. Sept. 25 at Jefferson County Courthouse.
Case number: 06-C-277

Stanley W. Dunn Jr. and Katherine Dunn vs. Douglas
Rockwell, Carol Rockwell and Martin & Seibert LC.
PA-William Francis Xavier Becker; J-Thomas Steptoe Jr.
* The Dunns claim they sustained damages at the hands of Douglas Rockwell, their former attorney. They also claim that because of his professional relationship with them that he has enhanced the real estate holdings of his wife, Carol Rockwell. They are seeking compensatory damages of $50,000, punitive damages of $100,000, the cancellation and reformation of the deed of the land in questions and reimbursement of all costs and expenses.
Case number: 06-C-282

Aug. 23
James Fillinger and Diane Fillinger, et al vs. John Willingham and Rheta Willingham, et al
PA-Pro se; J-Thomas Steptoe Jr.
* After James Fillinger's dump truck went missing on Sept. 30, 2003, after lending it to Willingham, police discovered that Robbie Willingham had taken the truck for a joy ride. At the time, the Willingham signed an agreement that if the $5,500 damages were repaid, charges wouldn't be filed. The damages have yet to be reimbursed.
Case number: 06-C-283

PNGI Charles Town Gaming LLC vs. ASTAR Abatement
PA-Charles F. Printz Jr.; J-Thomas Steptoe Jr.
* PNGI hired ASTAR to perform asbestos abatement and demolition work on Aug. 25, 2004. W.Va. Department of Health and Human Resources issued an interim cease and desist order to stop all work on asbestos abatement on Sept. 25, 2004. PNGI is seeking compensatory damages of $206, 533.06, punitive damages and attorney's fees and costs.
Case number: 06-C-284

Aug. 24
Brittany L. Wilfong vs. Javier Ramirez and Pamela M. Garcia
PA-Mark Jenkison; J-Thomas Steptoe Jr.
* On Dec. 31, 2005, Wilfong's car was struck on W.Va. 9 by the car driven by Ramirez, an uninsured driver. He among his charges were driving under the influence and driving left of center. Wilfong is seeking in excess of $25,000 in compensatory and punitive damages for medical bills she has incurred.
Case number: 06-C-288

Aug. 25
John Robb dba Current Electric vs. Virgil T. Helton, acting state tax commissioner of West Virginia
PA-Brian J. Mcauliffe; J-Thomas Steptoe Jr.
* Robb is appeal pursuant of administrative decision on June 26, 2006. Robb is contesting the assessment by the Tax Commission after he received three separate tax assements.
Case number: 06-C-289

Aug. 28
Bernard Greer vs. Penn National Gaming Inc dba Charles Town Races and Slots and Richard Moore, general manager
PA-pro se; J-Thomas Steptoe Jr.
* Greer hired as a temporary full-time paddock blacksmith in January 2003 until Mary 2, 2003. He never received pay promised during full-time position.On November 2004, he was hired full-time. June 2005 received injury while a horse was being shoed and was to return to work October 2005. He was discharged from missing work. Greer is suing for wages, benefits, expensives lost and $100,000 punitive
Case number: 06-C-291


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