
Social worker alleges PrimeCare Medical of West Virginia Inc. failed to accommodate disability


Sunday, March 30, 2025

Social worker alleges PrimeCare Medical of West Virginia Inc. failed to accommodate disability

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CHARLESTON – A social worker alleges she was terminated because of her disability and request for accommodation.

Stephanie L. Woodyard filed a complaint Nov. 9 in Kanawha Circuit Court against PrimeCare Medical of West Virginia Inc. and August Dobbins alleging that they violated the West Virginia Human Rights Act.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff began her employment as a social worker in December 2016 with the defendants at the Central Regional Jail in Sutton. She alleges she was terminated on Sept. 25, 2017, on the day that the defendants learned she needed treatment for a temporary mental disability at an in-patient treatment facility.

The plaintiff holds PrimeCare Medical of West Virginia Inc. and Dobbins responsible because the defendants allegedly failed to provide reasonable accommodation.

The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks compensatory and punitive damages, plus interest, litigation costs and all other general and special relief. She is represented by Michael P. Addair, Todd S. Bailess and Rodney A. Smith of Bailess Smith PLLC in Charleston. The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge Joanna Tabit.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number 17-C-1551


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