
News on West Virginia Record


Saturday, March 8, 2025


Our leaders are failing us in West Virginia

By Teresa Toriseva |
For the last 10 years or so, I have watched as the Republican leadership slowly has stripped away rights of individuals, allowed our already weak healthcare and education system to further erode, let our infrastructure literally fall apart as well as continue to bend over backward to lure big businesses to come in and take even more advantage of our citizens.

Corporate billionaires and their lobbyist need to stop attack on West Virginians and our constitutional rights

By Steven Broadwater |
According to new Gov. Patrick Morrisey, the state is $400 million in the red. Tort reform seeks to exacerbate that pain. Let’s focus on actual success: fixing education, building infrastructure, and making our state the kind of place people want to raise a family.

Speaking of politicians, wokeness and beech nuts

By Chris Dickerson |
My grandfather Wiley Davis often used to compare some politicians to beech nuts. When one would appear on television expressing opinions or making promises that were contradictory, Wiley would say the politician was “talking out of both sides of his mouth.” If the politician was especially egregious and pandering, Wiley would take it a step further.

West Virginia's ongoing battle against lawsuit abuse

By Greg Thomas |
Even though we are no longer on the Judicial Hellholes' list, let’s push our state’s legislative leaders to continue to work against lawsuit abuse in West Virgina in 2025.

A zero-risk option is impossible

By David L. Yaussy |
There are, and should be, debates about the amount of risk associated with chemical production, and how that risk should be weighed. But the idea of living a risk-free life is a dead end. It is seductive in its simplicity, and harmful in its effect.

Stay away from coal

By Robert Barrat |
The State of West Virginia should encourage and promote solar panels, wind farms, well-insulated homes and businesses and green engineering all around before the time to do so has run out.

State's environmental activists should not be de facto regulators

By Dr. Bill Bissett |
Our association plans to pursue legislation again in the upcoming West Virginia legislative session to make certain that state regulators have high quality, accurate data to inform regulatory decisions impacting the state’s manufacturers, coal miners and natural gas workers.

Stay with coal

By Chris Dickerson |
CHARLESTON – There is a sudden, unexpected and massive rise in electricity demand occurring across the country due to a variety of factors converging before us.

Something needs to be done about the WV SSAC

By Chris Dickerson |
I’ve thought the SSAC needed major changes for years now. Maybe this football fiasco will make others see the problems. Governor-elect Patrick Morrisey and the state Legislature have a perfect opportunity to fix things.

Umberger: A vote for me is a vote for honesty and integrity

By Jim Umberger |
A few weeks ago, I filed as a write-in candidate. I am a Democrat, and to be perfectly honest, I’m the only Democrat in this race. I won’t misrepresent myself to get votes, and I won’t lie to you about who I am. I want to give you all an option. You deserve that.

Regarding Amendment One, it's us against them

By Pat McGeehan |
Let’s fight back against the creepy campaign to put a price tag on human life. Vote for Amendment One and protect West Virginia’s love for our elderly, our toughness in the face of suffering and our willingness to sacrifice without counting the cost.

West Virginia’s backyard brawl for prosperity

By Patrick Morrisey |
Together, we can make West Virginia a place where economic opportunity thrives, communities are safe and drug-free, and our children are equipped for success in the 21st century.

There you go again, governor

By Chris Dickerson |
Watching Gov. Jim Justice’s weekly press briefing Thursday, I was reminded of a famous quote Ronald Reagan used during his presidential debates against Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. “There you go again.”

Agencies need help in serving most vulnerable citizens

By Amy Orndoff |
The good people of West Virginia are eager to assist those in need. To that end, the West Virginia Legislature supports enhanced funding to care for our state’s most vulnerable populations.

Voters asked for West Virginia’s 'tax cut obsession'

By Jason Huffman |
Policymakers in deeply red West Virginia have heard this mandate from voters loud and clear, as evidenced by their continued prioritization to lower tax rates and make government spending live within its means.

Manchin should stop Biden’s attempt to give new NLRB term to McFerran

By Mychal S. Schulz |
The United States Senate should reject President Biden’s renomination of Lauren McFerran to the National Labor Relations Board, and Sen. Joe Manchin should lead the way.

Big Jim’s hate/hate relationship with media continues

By Chris Dickerson |
The governor and his staff are banning more reporters from his weekly press conferences.

Breaking down barriers to tackle cyber threats

By Chris Dickerson |
HUNTINGTON – As the United States faces China’s unprecedented military buildup, conflicts involving our partners in two theaters, and resurgent terror threats, it is clear that the world today is more dangerous than most Americans have experienced in their lifetimes.

How W.Va. leaders, citizens can help restore fiscal sanity

By Barry W. Poulson and Hon. David M. Walker |
As the “trust funds” associated with Social Security and Medicare become exhausted, future generations face the possibility of paying higher taxes and receiving less benefits.

Mum's the word (again) on the citizen-only voting amendment

By Chris Dickerson |
“The people of West Virginia will not have any legitimate faith in the Legislature until they can say this amendment passed. I mean, it’s already passed both houses unanimously. Right now, I don’t know how a voter can trust the Legislature.”