U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Recent News About U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
WV Chamber president, state drug policy chief stump for opioid crisis resolution
WASHINGTON – Joining a group of national and state figures, an industry leader and top state drug policy official joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to discuss options at the organization’s "Combating the Opioid Crisis" summit earlier this month. -
Morrisey seeks to combat opioid abuse with youth education program
CHARLESTON – More West Virginia nursing colleges have signed on with Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in his new program to educate children about the dangers of prescription drug abuse. -
Why does the fight against opioid insurance incentives matter?
CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey recently led a coalition of 37 states and territories urging health insurance companies to examine financial incentives that contribute to the opioid epidemic in West Virginia. Using information from Morrisey's office, the following question and answer guide explains why the initiative matters. -
McDowell County sues drug companies for opioid shipments
WELCH – The McDowell County Commission has filed a lawsuit against three prescription drug wholesalers, claiming the companies’ shipments of opioids helped create the county’s drug epidemic. -
AG hails state plan to follow federal opioid prescription guidelines
CHARLESTON – Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s office has announced that the state will follow federal guidelines for prescribing opioid medications for chronic pain, a move hailed by Attorney General Patrick Morrisey. -
Outbreak of overdoses adds to urgency of Capito's call for opioid guidelines
HUNTINGTON – With more than 26 overdoses in a four-hour time period in Huntington, a letter from one of West Virginia's U.S. senators urging guidelines for prescribing opioids for acute pain is timely. -
Wayne County project among beneficiaries of grant
WAYNE COUNTY – A $1.782 million economic development grant was recently announced by U.S. Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R) and Joe Manchin (D) for parts of southwestern West Virginia. -
Capito takes broad-spectrum approach to opioid abuse and addiction
WASHINGTON – West Virginia's junior U.S. senator, Republican Shelley Capito, is at the forefront of a broad-spectrum movement to address the growing problem of opioid abuse and addiction in West Virginia and nationwide. -
AG, Board of Pharmacy create launch tool to help reduce opioid use
CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and the state Board of Pharmacy have launched cutting-edge technology to help prescribers and pharmacists reduce opioid overprescription in the Mountain State. -
Attorney General unveils Draft Best Practices Initiative
CHARLESTON – Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has unveiled a draft best practices initiative aimed at eradicating prescription drug abuse by better equipping the state’s prescribers and pharmacists. -
Landowners accuse lessee of blocking $550 million in coal royalties
LOGAN – Several West Virginia landowners say a firm that leased their coal rights is refusing to mine the land and is blocking efforts to find a new operator. -
Loan guarantor accuses bank of violating privacy
WHEELING – An Ohio County real estate firm and its owners is suing a bank in a dispute involving an alleged unpaid debt. -
AG hails CDC painkiller prescribing guidelines
CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is asking insurers, medical professionals and healthcare regulators to quickly implement new opioid prescription guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. -
McKesson wants Morrisey's drug lawsuit in federal court
CHARLESTON — The nation’s largest prescription drug distributor has asked to have a lawsuit filed against it by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey removed to federal court. Morrisey’s office filed the complaint Jan. 8 in Boone Circuit Court against McKesson, the nation's largest prescription drug distributor for allegedly failing to identify, detect, report and help stop the flood of suspicious drug orders into the state. McKesson filed its notice of removal to federal court on Feb. -
Morrisey, other AGs push painkiller prescribing guidelines
CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has joined 35 states and the District of Columbia in urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to quickly adopt proposed guidelines for prescribing opioid painkillers. Morrisey and a bipartisan group of attorneys general believe the CDC’s guidelines provide additional guidance to doctors to better evaluate the potential benefit and harm of prescribing opioid painkillers, such as oxycodone and hydrocodone. “Prescription dr -
UPDATE: AG's office files suit against McKesson for oxy deliveries
CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey on Friday announced the filing of a lawsuit against the nation's largest prescription drug distributor for allegedly failing to identify, detect, report and help stop the flood of suspicious drug orders into the state. The lawsuit against McKesson Corporation was filed Jan. 8 in Boone Circuit Court after "an extensive investigation," according to Morrisey's office. -
Manchin and Tomblin Announce Additional Scientific Testing and Monitoring of Chemicals Spilled in Kanawha Valley
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin and Governor Earl Ray Tomblin announced the coordination between federal and state agencies to conduct additional scientific testing of the chemicals spilled from the Freedom Industries plant on January 9, 2014. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Toxicology Program, and NIH’s National Institute -
Jackson County Developmental Center named in sexual abuse lawsuit
RIPLEY - A legally incompetent man is seeking damages for allegedly being sexually assaulted while in the care of the Jackson County Developmental Center. -
Former Lincoln commission candidate files suit over ballot stuffing
Harless CHARLESTON - A former Lincoln County Commission candidate has filed a lawsuit in federal court for at least $57,000 in attorney's fees and expenses, plus compensatory and punitive damages, saying the 2010 primary election was "contaminated." -
Report: States not using settlement funds for tobacco programs
WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-- Although states are raking in billions of dollars in revenue this year from the 1998 tobacco multistate settlement, officials are spending a paltry amount on antismoking efforts, a national report says.