

Saturday, September 28, 2024


‘We’re all in this together!’

By The West Virginia Record |
We hear that sentiment expressed on all sides now, daily and even hourly, what with the spread of the Coronavirus and the coordinated efforts to stifle it being made by federal, state, and local governments, as well as private businesses and nonprofit organizations. It’s a noble and generous sentiment: a message of solidarity, as well as an exhortation to each of us to give everything we can to the effort and graciously accept our share of the burden without carping.

Virus challenge makes us all first responders

By Steve Williams |
Be safe. Be careful. Breathe. We can and must do this — TOGETHER.

Protecting your wallet in the world of Coronavirus

By Patrick Morrisey |
If all West Virginians follow the health precautions outlined by the Centers for Disease Control, and take into account these consumer tips, we will all be in a better position to defeat this virus, while also protecting our wallets.

Every American deserves a chance to live

By Christopher J. Regan |
WHEELING – It has been hard for a long time to say anything about politics that helps anyone with anything. If you say something to one side or the other, no one who might believe you needs to hear it; and no one who might need to hear it will believe you. Three-plus years of our politics has immunized righties and lefties alike to new information.

Let’s not let this crisis go to waste – show appreciation for unsung heroes

By The West Virginia Record |
Now is the time to support our leaders, to stop finger-pointing and playing "gotcha" with one’s perceived political enemies at every opportunity. It is the time to show appreciation for the unsung heroes all across this country, the time – to borrow a phrase – to make America great again.

How did it come to this?

By Christopher J. Regan |
WHEELING – For years, West Virginia’s political class said that each progressive movement among Democrats came “too soon,” and they’ve gotten their way. But after another failed administration, it’s time to worry that the movement could be too late.

Agriculture is critical infrastructure in a crisis

By Kent Leonhardt |
Remember, don’t panic, plan accordingly and shop local as much as possible. We can get through this, but it will take all of us plowing the row.

It might be time for Judge Warren McGraw to retire

By The West Virginia Record |
This might be a good time for Judge McGraw to engage in self-examination and consider whether or not he himself needs to seek a change of venue.

First lawsuit in VA hospital deaths seeks accountability

By Hoppy Kercheval |
MORGANTOWN – The first lawsuit over the suspicious deaths at the Louis A. Johnson Veterans Hospital in Clarksburg has been filed. This is the first of many.

No intermediate appellate court this year

By The West Virginia Record |
“Will this be the year that West Virginia finally gets an intermediate appellate court?”That was the question we posed in an editorial two weeks ago.

In West Virginia, every voter counts

By Mac Warner and Jeremiah Underhill |
A new law requires election officials to make absentee voting fully accessible to voters with physical disabilities who are prevented from voting in-person at the polls and from marking ballots without assistance. These absentee voters with physical disabilities now have an option to mail or electronically submit their ballot back to their county clerk using approved technology.

WVDA laboratories vital to West Virginia food system

By Kent Leonhardt |
We clearly have a lot to be proud of when it comes to the WVDA laboratories. Maybe I am biased, as the Commissioner of Agriculture, but without a trusted food system, our citizens’ quality of life would surely suffer.

Depriving Americans of lower-cost energy is depraved

By The West Virginia Record |
The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is a 600-mile conduit of natural gas from West Virginia to Virginia and North Carolina. The pipeline is good for them and good for us. For whom could it possibly be bad? Who could possibly want to perpetuate scarcity, high prices, and deprivation?

Medicaid unit adds punch to AG’s fraud fight

By Patrick Morrisey |
CHARLESTON – West Virginia gained a huge advantage in its fight against waste, fraud and abuse with the transfer of the state’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

U.S. Senators need to support Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act

By Jordan Hill |
West Virginia has borne the brunt of rising prescription drug prices. As a working-class state, many of our neighbors can’t afford their needed medications after the pharmaceutical industry has hiked the prices of common prescription drugs.

House should pass bill establishing appellate court

By The West Virginia Record |
The most compelling argument in favor of establishing an intermediate appellate court may be the trial bar’s opposition to it.

The judge's side of the asbestos story

By Ronald Wilson |
WHEELING – I hesitate to disagree with the Feb. 19, 2020, view of The West Virginia Record because the paper has morphed into a valuable resource for the legal community and for the general public, and because I have to assume some responsibility for causing the paper to take the position it did in the editorial “Those plaintiff’s attorneys who push too far.” However, I need to disabuse the paper’s editors of the backhanded compliment that I have finally learned to stop overestimating the maturity of plaintiff attorneys in asbestos personal injury case.

Those plantiff’s attorneys who push too far

By The West Virginia Record |
It seems like Judge Wilson assumed too much. He gave the plaintiff attorneys too much credit. He overestimated their level of maturity. To his credit, though, he seems to be losing his patience, and it’s about time.

Scare-mongering films are not evidence

By The West Virginia Record |
We’ve had enough of this nonsense. Let’s put the kibosh on emotional appeals and re-embrace reason. Give us the unadulterated facts and let us analyze them. Then we can determine if there is a problem, and what to do about it.

'Good News' not so good for Richwood students

By Caleb Hanna |
The “good news” in Manchin’s tweet is not so good for Richwood High children and families, most of whom do not live in the city of Richwood, but in outlying communities like Fenwick, Craigsville and Nettie.