

Monday, September 30, 2024


A justice who will fight for West Virginians

By Patrick Morrisey |
CHARLESTON – In late January, President Trump took an important step toward ensuring that the U.S. Supreme Court will protect the interests of the people of West Virginia.

Town without pity, but not without guilt

By The West Virginia Record |
An analytical newspaper reader can sometimes pick up things in an article that the reporter and editor may not have noticed, and that reader may even believe that the article in question communicates the opposite of what it seemed to.

Where did all of West Virginia's money go?

By Christopher J. Regan |
WHEELING – The West Virginia Capitol is a crime scene.

West Virginia Republicans could go all the way in 2017

By The West Virginia Record |
The Super Bowl this Sunday promises to be one of the most action-packed contests ever, with the New England Patriots vying for their fifth championship in nine appearances and the Atlanta Falcons hoping to win their very first after a sole unsuccessful bid nearly 20 years ago.

An American tragedy, in three acts

By Christopher J. Regan |
WHEELING -- Act I flashes back to Reagan’s landslide victory in 1980, as he declares that “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Thirty-six years later, his words continue to reverberate.

There's drug addiction, and then there's power addiction

By The West Virginia Record |
West Virginians had the highest drug-overdose death rate in the United States in 2014.

Rooting out Medicaid fraud demands new leadership

By Patrick Morrisey |
CHARLESTON – Waste, fraud and abuse are rampant nationwide and West Virginia certainly is no exception.

West Virginia needs coal jobs and a better EPA under Pruitt

By Steven Golden |
Dear Editor: Retaining a coal job over the past few years has not been easy, but I’ve been blessed to keep my job at Mepco. Still, like so many others in my community, I’ve been worried about the of future of my career over the past eight years as the “War on Coal” has seemed to have no end in sight.

U.S. Senate should confirm Pruitt as EPA Administrator

By Roger Summerfield |
Dear Editor: It is clear that West Virginia has been a victim of Obama’s War on Coal these past eight years.

'Don't cut anything! Just keep raising taxes!'

By The West Virginia Record |
No one in his right mind would turn to Hollywood for economic advice – or almost any other kind of advice, outside of acting and filmmaking tips – but there's a three-letter word that directors shout at the end of every scene that guides the thinking of managers at private companies: cut.

'Hellhole' label used to blackmail lawmakers into rigging civil justice system

By Jane Peak |
MORGANTOWN – For more than 10 years the American Tort Reform Association, a front group bankrolled by America’s most powerful and wealthy CEOs, has attacked West Virginia with its widely discredited “Judicial Hellhole” report.

Bradley Dugan fails to scale Mt. Frito-Lay

By Chris Dickerson |
What kind of an airhead comes across a box of yet-to-be-unpacked snack items blocking the aisle in a grocery store and – instead of taking a detour or waiting for an employee to remove the obstruction – tries to climb over it?

Voter mandate for change is a mandate to change

By Mac Warner |
MORGANTOWN – During the recent election cycle, a common theme emerged as to the operation of the West Virginia Secretary of State's Office.

Obama pokes West Virginia in the eye one last time

By The West Virginia Record |
How many West Virginians feel sorry for Barack Obama?

Can state government be 'rightsized?'

By Hoppy Kercheval |
MORGANTOWN – As Governor-elect Jim Justice and lawmakers prepare for what is expected to be a challenging session of the Legislature, the term “rightsizing government” is being tossed around.

Dear President-elect Trump, please end the war on coal

By Chris Dickerson |
Imagine a president using his office to safeguard the rights of the American people, advance our interests and increase our prosperity!

Trump's appointment of Pruitt will bring EPA back in line

By Hoppy Kercheval |
MORGANTOWN – The environmental left is apoplectic over President-elect Donald Trump’s choice of Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

With Obama's exit near, Capito accentuates the positive

By The West Virginia Record |
Shelley Moore Capito has spent much of her first two years as the junior U.S.

W.Va. Democrats have become the party that didn't listen

By Christopher J. Regan |
WHEELING – A political party that stops listening to its voters is like a person who has stopped breathing. For a short time, nothing seems to change. But it gets uncomfortable quickly, and then unbearable. That is how the West Virginia Democrats find themselves after 2016: suffocating.

If you've been negligibly injured or slightly inconvenienced, call now!

By The West Virginia Record |
“Who's your lawyer?” “Who is?” “Who is what?” “Who's a Hoosier lawyer?” “I didn't say anyone was a Hoosier lawyer.” “Sure, you did.