
News by Carrie Bradon on West Virginia Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

Carrie Bradon News

Nurse alleges Raleigh General Hospital terminated him without final warning

By Carrie Bradon |
BECKLEY – A man is suing his former Raleigh County hospital employer alleging that he was unfairly terminated without warning.

Woman files suit against state Board of Risk and Insurance Management over denial of FOIA request

By Carrie Bradon |
CHARLESTON – A woman is appealing the denial of her request for information from a state agency.

Woman injured in fall from allegedly defective ladder files suit against Builders Wholesale, Old Ladder

By Carrie Bradon |
NEW CUMBERLAND – A Newell woman is suing a property owner and manufacturer of a ladder alleging the ladder's condition caused her to fall.

Vitality Aesthetics & Wellness alleged to owe $10,000 to insurance administrator for lawsuit defense

By Carrie Bradon |
FAYETTEVILLE – An administrator for an insurance company alleges a Fayette County man and company failed to pay for costs incurred in relation to an injury suit filed against them.

Driver injured in seven-vehicle collision on I-64 seeks damages from motorist who struck her vehicle

By Carrie Bradon |
WINFIELD – A Matheny woman is suing the driver who struck her in a seven-vehicle collision on Interstate 64 two years ago.

Netranom Communications alleges Charleston auto dealer failed to pay for IT services

By Carrie Bradon |
WINFIELD — A Hurricane communications company is suing a Charleston auto company over allegations it failed to pay for services.

Midland Credit Management alleged to have harassed woman in connection with alleged debt

By Carrie Bradon |
CHARLESTON — A Kanawha County woman alleges a debt collector harassed her with phone calls and letters in an attempt to coerce her into making payments.

Huntington woman alleges she was injured in Barboursville collision

By Carrie Bradon |
HUNTINGTON — A Huntington woman is suing another driver alleging that she was injured in an auto collision due to his negligence.

Hurricane townhome owners allege builder improperly installed flooring

By Carrie Bradon |
WINFIELD — A Hurricane couple is suing a construction company alleging that the flooring in the home was improperly installed and never fixed.

Mountaineer Casino Racetrack & Resort patron files suit after allegedly slipping on water in restroom

By Carrie Bradon |
NEW CUMBERLAND – A patron of a Hancock County casino alleges he slipped and fell on the premises because the business negligently allowed water to accumulate on the floor.

Woman alleges all of her possessions were destroyed due to fire at Poca storage facility

By Carrie Bradon |
WINFIELD – A Charleston woman is suing a moving and storage company alleging that her possessions were destroyed due to the company's negligence.

BFS Foods location manager alleges she was unlawfully detained in office

By Carrie Bradon |
KINGWOOD – A Preston County woman alleges she was she was unlawfully detained in an office by two individuals.

Ryan Environmental alleged to owe more than $75,000 on loan

By Carrie Bradon |
KINGWOOD – A Preston County man alleges a Harrison County-based company defaulted on a loan.

Albright residents file suit against contractors after home's foundation fails

By Carrie Bradon |
KINGWOOD – A couple alleges the foundation of their Albright home failed within a year of moving in because of the negligence of several contractors.

Keyser woman alleges Cigna Group Insurance wrongfully denied life insurance claim

By Carrie Bradon |
MARTINSBURG – A Keyser woman has filed suit against an insurance company over allegations it wrongfully denied her claim for her late mother's life insurance.

Louisiana couple alleges improper installation of fuel injectors by Grafton garage damaged engine block

By Carrie Bradon |
GRAFTON – A Louisiana couple alleges the negligence of a Grafton garage caused damage to their truck's engine.

Bridgeport Equipment & Tool alleges Timberock owes $18,000 for dozer rental

By Carrie Bradon |
CHARLESTON – An Ohio equipment company claims a St. Albans business failed to pay for the rental of construction equipment.

Couple sues home's former owners after finding out about damaging landslide

By Carrie Bradon |
WINFIELD – A couple whose new home suffered major damage after a slide filed a lawsuit against the previous owners and the company who sold it to them.

Woman accuses supervisor of forcing her into sex, firing her after she refuses

By Carrie Bradon |
CHARLESTON – A woman accused her former supervisor of forcing her to have sex with him and firing her after she eventually refused.

Timberock alleges defects in equipment it rented from Davis Timber caused project delays

By Carrie Bradon |
CHARLESTON – A St. Albans company alleges equipment it rented from a Kanawha County business was not in good working order as outlined in the rental agreement.